Research Article

Early Social Enrichment Improves Social Motivation and Skills in a Monogenic Mouse Model of Autism, the Oprm1−/− Mouse

Figure 2

Mean time (+SEM) spent by juvenile male and female PND28 mice close to an object or to a same age/sex NMRI outbred partner in the Social Approach-Avoidance Test. : 14–18 per group. µ-KO-L: Oprm1−/− pups reared by their mother [8 males + 6 females]; µ-KO-L+L: Oprm1−/− pups reared by their mother plus a second lactating female [8 males + 10 females]; WT-L: Oprm1+/+ pups reared by their mother [8 males + 9 females]; WT-L+L: Oprm1+/+ pups reared by their mother plus a second lactating female [8 males + 8 females]. Preference of partner versus object: ⁎⁎, ⁎⁎⁎.