Research Article

Coordinated Plasticity between Barrel Cortical Glutamatergic and GABAergic Neurons during Associative Memory

Figure 2

The number of dendrites and the head of the spines on barrel cortical glutamatergic neurons are upregulated after associative leaning. (a) shows the branches of the secondary processes appear denser in CR-formation mouse (right panel) than controls (left). (b) shows the comparisons of primary processes per apical dendrite in CR-formation (gray bar, neurons) and controls (white; , ). (c) shows the comparisons of the secondary processes per apical dendrite in CR-formation (gray bar, neurons) and controls (white; asterisk, , ). (d) The spine volume appears larger and the spine length is shorter on CR-formation neurons (right panel) than controls (left). (e)~(f) show the comparisons of spine widths (e) and lengths (f) from CR-formations (red bar, ) and controls (Con; blue bar, ). The spine head tends to be large and the spine length tends to be short (three asterisks, ).