Research Article

Brain Responses during the Anticipation of Dyspnea

Figure 4

Psychophysiological interactions during the anticipation period. (a) During the anticipation of severe as compared to mild dyspnea the left anterior insular cortex shows significantly increased coactivation with ACC (, , ; ROI-corrected ) and right insular cortex (, , ; ROI-corrected ). (b) The left parietal operculum shows increased coactivation with ACC (, , ; ROI-corrected ) and right insular cortex (, , ; ROI-corrected ). (c) The left cerebellar cortex shows increased coactivation with the amygdala, bilaterally (, , ; ROI-corrected and , , ; ROI-corrected , resp.). The nonsignificant interactions within the rostral cingulate cortex (b) and primary sensorimotor cortex (c) were outside our ROIs and did not reach whole-brain-corrected significance. All interactions are displayed at a threshold of , corrected for the specific ROI, and superimposed on the group-specific T1-weighted mean image generated by the DARTEL-protocol.