Research Article

The Habituation/Cross-Habituation Test Revisited: Guidance from Sniffing and Video Tracking

Figure 3

HaXha maps show sniffing rate related to proximity and orientation. Two S1 cross-habituation trials (first presentation of social odor) are represented by plotting the and nose location (circle), orientation (circle size), and sniff rate (circle color, see color bar legend, Hz) of each WT mouse during each 100 ms bin of the 120 sec trial. Subsequent bins are connected with lines. Centrally located (, , ) bulls-eye indicates the odor source location and 2 cm proximity criterion (2 cm radius). Large solid circle marks the position at trial start and the small circle the position at the end. Mice tended to sniff faster (more red circles) when closer to and oriented to (smaller circles) the odorant.