Research Article

State and Training Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Brain Networks Reflect Neuronal Mechanisms of Its Antidepressant Effect

Table 3

Regions showing functional differences between conditions (rest versus meditation).

AnalysisRest > meditationMeditation > rest
RegionSideMNI coordinates-scoreRegionSideMNI coordinates-score

ICA (, FWE-corrected cluster threshold at )
dACCR2029 21 365.70PrecuneusR178 3 −66 274.94
sgACCR3499 27 05.60TPJ/IPLL157−51 −57 274.31
AIL336−39 9 05.02
AIR3745 18 04.34
IFG/BA9R2160 18 274.26

Seed-based FC (, FWE-corrected cluster threshold at )
 (ROI: pgACC)IPLL42−45 −39 364.31TPJR5857 −66 364.51
IPLR4539 −51 514.17MPFCR369 51 94.49
STGL23−42 −60 183.86
 (ROI: dACC)AIL20−36 18 34.2n.s.

ReHo (, FWE-corrected cluster threshold at )
n.s.dACCR1250 36 155.32
MPFCR1256 48 124.24
PutamenL77−21 6 34.40

Notes: AI, anterior insula; dACC, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; IPL, inferior parietal lobe; K, cluster size; MPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; pgACC, pregenual anterior cingulate cortex; sgACC, subgenual anterior cingulate cortex; STG, superior temporal gyrus; TPJ, temporoparietal junction; and BA: brodmann area.
Family-wise error.
A combined threshold of and a minimum cluster size determined by AlphaSim algorithm in AFNI, resulting in FWE-corrected threshold of . An estimate of the spatial correlation across voxels was modeled using the program 3dFWHM in AFNI.