Review Article

Enkephalins: Endogenous Analgesics with an Emerging Role in Stress Resilience

Figure 1

Cartography of main connectivities involved in fear, stress, and resilience, as well as demonstrated ENK pathways between areas and expression of ENK, MOPr, and DOPr. Pink circles represent brain regions of interest. Full arrows correspond to circuitries of stress, fear, and resilience. Dotted arrows represent demonstrated ENK circuitries. The black dot corresponds to expression of pro-enkephalin, and purple and blue triangles correspond to MOPr and DOPr expression, respectively. AMG: amygdala; HPC: hippocampus; HPT: hypothalamus; LC: locus ceruleus; mPFC: medial prefrontal cortex; NAc: nucleus accumbens; PAG: periaqueducal grey; PGi: paragigantocellularis nucleus; VTA: ventral tegmental area.