Review Article

Could LC-NE-Dependent Adjustment of Neural Gain Drive Functional Brain Network Reorganization?

Figure 3

Mechanism proposed for the NE-dependent local-to-global neuronal dynamics—top panel—relationship between the amplitude envelope correlations in gamma rhythm and NE-dependent local neural gain adjustments. The orange and purple neuronal populations, whose amplitude envelopes cofluctuate, allow the increase in neural gain induced by the norepinephrine system activation to be effective and to spread (upper-right inset, red trace), whereas the purple and blue neuronal populations that exhibited a distinct temporal dynamic do not allow the increase in neural gain to be expressed locally, and this results in a decrease in neural gain (bottom-right inset, blue trace)—bottom panel—boosting norepinephrine transmission is thought to induce an increase in neural gain. The insert illustrates an example of the effect of neural gain adjustment on interactions between different neuronal populations. The five groups of neurons are anatomically interconnected. Sensory input signals influence the activity of target regions (purple and orange groups of neurons). Norepinephrine transmission also modulates the activity of groups of target neurons (violet and blue groups of neurons), increasing or decreasing the neural gain, respectively. The amplification of gain in the neuronal violet group then induces an increase in the functional connectivity between violet and orange groups (red arrows). Similarly, the reduction in neural gain in the blue neuronal group induces a decrease in functional connectivity between blue and orange groups (blue arrow and cross). Thus, under the influence of this local modulation of neural gain, neural networks reconfigure, creating a new organization of functional networks at the whole-brain scale.