Clinical Study

Neuroplasticity Changes on Human Motor Cortex Induced by Acupuncture Therapy: A Preliminary Study

Table 2

Post hoc comparison by paired -test on MEP amplitudes and IHI before and after acupuncture.

Time 1Time 2 value value

MEP amplitudes (mV)
Left FDI
  90% RMT
  100% RMT
  110% RMT
  130% RMT
  150% RMT
Right FDI
  90% RMT
  100% RMT
  110% RMT
  130% RMT
  150% RMT
IHI (%)
 100% RMT
 110% RMT
 130% RMT
 150% RMT

MEP: motor-evoked potential; IHI: interhemispheric inhibition; FDI: first dorsal interosseous.
Time 1. Before acupuncture intervention.
Time 2. 10 min after the removal of all needles.
for MEP analysis and for IHI, as Bonferroni’s post hoc adjusted significant level.