Research Article

Short-Term Monocular Deprivation Enhances Physiological Pupillary Oscillations

Figure 4

Pupillometry results and correlation with binocular rivalry. (a) Scatter plot of the FFT energy in the 0–0.8 Hz range, measuring the amplitude of the pupil hippus, before deprivation versus 20 minutes after deprivation. The text inset shows the result of a paired -test comparing values on the - and -axis. Similar values are obtained using the alternative preprocessing algorithm (blink removal only: -test comparing before/after hippus amplitude: ,  ). (b) Difference of FFT energy in the hippus range across deprivation, plotted against the binocular rivalry Deprivation Index (see (1)). The text inset shows Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient Rho between values on the - and -axis (note that Spearman’s Rho is insensitive to whether the axes are logarithmic or linear). The thick red line is the best-fit linear function through the data points. Each symbol is one subject, consistent across panels (a)-(b) and with Figure 3(a).