Research Article

For Better or Worse: The Effect of Prismatic Adaptation on Auditory Neglect

Table 1

Patients’ characteristics including the delay between the stroke and the testing session. STG: superior temporal gyrus; MTG: middle temporal gyrus; IFG: inferior frontal gyrus; IPL: inferior parietal lobule; SMG: supramarginal gyrus; AG: angular gyrus; SPL: superior parietal lobule; ITG: inferior temporal gyrus; HG: Heschl gyrus; TTG: transverse temporal gyrus; GP: globus pallidus; SFG: superior frontal gyrus.

PatientSexAgeHandednessNeurological and neuropsychological deficitsRegions involved in lesionDelay (days)Lesion vol (cm3)

P1M53RightLeft hemisyndrome (upper and lower limbs), multimodal neglect, nonspatial attentional deficits, executive dysfunctionSTG, MTG, insula, IFG, temporal pole, putamen, caudate, precentral54135.4
P2M59RightLeft unilateral homonymous hemianopia, severe multimodal neglect, executive dysfunctionSTG, MTG, precentral, postcentral, IPL, IFG, insula, SMG, temporal pole, putamen, MFG, AG80182.6
P3F64RightMild multimodal neglect and nonspatial attentional deficitsInsula, STG, temporal pole, MTG, putamen, IFG, caudate5993.1
P4M51LeftLeft hemisyndrome (upper and lower limbs), multimodal neglect, visuospatial apraxia, deficits in working memory and calculation, executive dysfunctionMFG, IFG, MTG, STG, precentral, postcentral, insula, SMG, temporal pole, occipital, putamen, precuneus, AG, SPL, ITG, HG, TTG, caudate154202.6
P5M57RightHorner syndrome on the right side, left unilateral homonymous hemianopia, severe multimodal neglect, nonspatial attentional deficits, deficit in anterograde episodic memory, executive dysfunctionMiddle occipital, cuneus, superior occipital, MTG, cuneus, precuneus, AG, calarine12119.7
P6M59RightLeft hemisyndrome (predominantly upper limb), left unilateral homonymous hemianopia, multimodal neglect, nonspatial attentional deficits, visuospatial apraxia, deficit in anterograde episodic memory, executive dysfunctionIFG, MFG, STG, precentral, insula, putamen, postcentral, temporal pole, precentral, MTG89118.7
P7F69RightSevere visuospatial neglect, nonspatial attentional deficits, mild executive dysfunctionIFG, MFG, STG, insula, putamen, temporal pole, MTG12270.6
P8F73RightMultimodal neglect, visuospatial apraxia, deficit in anterograde episodic memory, executive dysfunctionInsula, STG, IFG, putamen, MTG, HG, TTG6044.1
P9M58RightLeft hemisyndrome (upper and lower limbs), severe multimodal neglect, deficit in anterograde episodic memory, executive dysfunctionInsula, putamen, caudate, GP, thalamus127382.0
P10F53RightVisuospatial neglect, nonspatial attentional deficitsMFG, STG, IFG, MTG, IPL, insula, postcentral, precentral, SMG, AG, precuneus, putamen, caudate, temporal pole, thalamus, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, SFG8438.1