Research Article

Altered Brain Functional Activity in Infants with Congenital Bilateral Severe Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study under Sedation

Figure 1

Group analysis of ALFF between infants with CSSHL and healthy controls. Compared with the control group, decreased (red) ALFF was observed in left Heschl’s gyri (BA41) (, ES = 0.94), left superior temporal gyrus (BA22) (, ES = 1.27), left inferior frontal gyrus (BA44) (, ES = 1.27), left inferior frontal gyrus (BA45) (, ES = 2.18), left inferior prefrontal gyrus (BA47) (, ES = 1.40), and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA46) (, ES = 1.68). Increased (blue) ALFF was observed in right occipital lobe and right angular gyrus, which included BA18 (, ES = ), BA19 (, ), BA17 (, ES = −1.46), and BA39 (, ES = −1.08). AlphaSim corrected (, cluster size > 228 voxels). The significance level of activity was indicated by the color bar (T), increasing as red proceeding to yellow decreasing as blue to cyan.