Research Article

Neural Plasticity Associated with Hippocampal PKA-CREB and NMDA Signaling Is Involved in the Antidepressant Effect of Repeated Low Dose of Yueju Pill on Chronic Mouse Model of Learned Helplessness

Figure 3

Behavioral effects after fluoxetine and Yueju treatment following chronic learned helplessness procedure. The timeline of the procedure is illustrated (a). Control animals (CTL) received vehicle treatment and no training, and animals exposed to chronic LH received administration of vehicle (Veh), Yueju (YJ), or fluoxetine (Flx) for 14 days. There were significant treatment effects on escape failures (ANOVA, F(3, 31) = 6.526, ) and latency (ANOVA, F(3, 31) = 44.98, ) (b, c). TST (ANOVA, F(3, 31) = 16.77, ) and FST (ANOVA, F(3, 31) = 3.624, ) were tested at 28 hours and 30 hours after drug treatment, respectively (d, e). NSF was tested at 48 hours after drug treatment. Food consumption (ANOVA, F(3, 31) = 23.23, ) and latency (ANOVA, F(3, 31) = 8.73, ) were measured for 10 minutes (f, g). , , , compared to CTL; #, ##, ###, compared to Veh.