Research Article

Impaired Ability to Suppress Excitability of Antagonist Motoneurons at Onset of Dorsiflexion in Adults with Cerebral Palsy

Figure 3

Example of intramuscular coherence analyses from a healthy control. (a, b) Autospectra from the proximal (TAprox) and the distal (TAdist) parts of the tibialis anterior during static dorsiflexion. (c) Coherence at frequencies from 1 to 60 Hz between TAprox and TAdist rectified EMG signals. The dashed horizontal line denotes the upper 95% confidence level, and the grey shaded area highlights the 15–35 Hz frequency band referred to as beta coherence. (d) The phase between the TAprox and TAdist rectified EMG signals indicating the synchronization between coherent EMG frequencies. (e) Cumulant density (range ± 250 ms) associated with the coherence.