Clinical Study

Modulating Brain Connectivity by Simultaneous Dual-Mode Stimulation over Bilateral Primary Motor Cortices in Subacute Stroke Patients

Table 2

Regions of interest in the motor networks of stroke patients.

NumberRegionSideMNI coordinates

1Precentral gyrus (M1)IL−38−2458
2Precentral gyrus (M1)CL42−1452
3Medial superior frontal gyrus (SMA)IL−4−654
4Medial superior frontal gyrus (SMA)CL4−654
5Postcentral gyrus (S1)IL−36−3060
6Postcentral gyrus (S1)CL40−2852
7Cerebellum (lobule VI)IL−24−60−22
8Cerebellum (lobules V and VI)CL20−50−22
9Medial superior frontal gyrus (pre-SMA)IL−2654
10Medial superior frontal gyrus (pre-SMA)CL2256
11Dorsolateral precentral gyrus/sulcus (PMd)IL−42−1058
12Dorsolateral precentral gyrus/sulcus (PMd)CL42−656
13Ventrolateral precentral gyrus/sulcus (PMv)IL−46−1048
14Ventrolateral precentral gyrus/sulcus (PMv)CL42−648
15Parietal operculum (S2)IL−48−1822
16Parietal operculum (S2)CL50−2828
17Inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)IL−4866
18Inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)CL4866
19Inferior frontal sulcus (IFS)IL−50834
20Inferior frontal sulcus (IFS)CL50834
21Rostral cingulate zone (RCZ)IL−81436
22Rostral cingulate zone (RCZ)CL81436
23Anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS)IL−42−4050
24Anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS)CL42−4050

IL: ipsilesional side; CL: contralesional side.