Clinical Study

Mixed-Effects Modeling of Neurofeedback Self-Regulation Performance: Moderators for Learning in Children with ADHD

Table 2

Effects considered for statistical analysis.

Model specificationsMeasure

 Cross-session modelDouble session number (15 double sessions)
 Within-session modelBin number: 10 bins per session. The mean amplitude of baseline-corrected trials was averaged across sessions and then averaged across the ten equally spaced units (bins).
Condition type
 Feedback (FB)Continuous performance feedback stimulus visible
 Transfer (TR)Performance feedback, delayed
TasksDeactivation (generation of positive potential shifts of SCPs) versus activation (generation of negative potential shifts of SCPs)
Intersession intervalDays passed between training sessions
AgeIn years (continuous variable in the model, only for visualization in plots dichotomized into younger and older age classes)
MPHBeing on constant stimulant medication (methylphenidate), factorized into yes versus no
Stimulants intake durationYears of MPH intake
Dosage of stimulant medicationMethylphenidate (MPH) in mg
SexFactorized into female versus male
IQEstimated IQ (WISC-IV short form)
SettingFactorized into school setting versus clinical setting
Severity of ADHD symptoms values of the Conners 3 DSM-IV indices for hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention based on parent and teacher ratings before training
Preexisting ADHD diagnosisClinical ADHD diagnosis before entering the study factorized into yes versus no
Artifact ratePercentage of rejected trials within a session