Research Article

Operant Up-Conditioning of the Tibialis Anterior Motor-Evoked Potential in Multiple Sclerosis: Feasibility Case Studies

Table 1

Subj.AgeYrsEDSSROMStrengthFIM25 ft time (s)


Yrs: years since the original diagnosis of MS; EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale; ROM: passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (WNL: within normal limits; N: to neutral); Strength: manual muscle strength testing score for dorsiflexion, graded from 0 to 5 (0: no contractions felt in the muscle; 5: normal). ROM and Strength were measured bilaterally. The first row in each subject is for the conditioned leg and the second row (assessments indicated in ()) is for the contralateral leg. In subject C, the post functional assessment was performed one month after the completion of 24 conditioning sessions.