Clinical Study

Effect of Group-Based Rehabilitation Combining Action Observation with Physiotherapy on Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease

Figure 1

(a-b) FoG-Q and BBS mean scores (±SE). (c-d) TUG and 10 M-WT mean times (±SE). Baseline (PRE), end of training (POST), and 4-weeks follow-up (FU-4w) results are shown. Asterisks indicate when statistical significant differences within testing time evaluations emerged at post hoc analysis when the interaction term GROUP X TIME was significant (; ). AOT: action observation training arm; LOT: landscape observation training arm; FoG-Q: new freezing of gait questionnaire; BBS: Berg balance scale; 10 M-WT: 10-meter walking test; TUG: Timed Up and Go.