Review Article

NMDA Receptor Subunits Change after Synaptic Plasticity Induction and Learning and Memory Acquisition

Table 2

Changes in NMDAR subunits after memory acquisition. Changes in NMDAR subunits after training different animals in various behavioral paradigms.

Animal model (age)TaskStructure analyzedMethodTimingNMDAR changesRef.

Domestic chicks (one day)Passive avoidanceForebrainQuantitative autoradiography of ligand-receptor binding30 min after trainingIncreased binding of glutamate and MK-801 tritiated to NMDA receptors.[53]
Long Evans rats raised in complete darkness (21–23 days)Light exposureVisual cortexWB of synaptosomesImmediately after exposure to 0.5, 1, 1.5, or 2 h of a normal-lighted environment1 h of light exposure is enough to produce an increase of GluN2A, without changes in GluN1 and GluN2B.[54]
Wistar rats (2 months)Inhibitory avoidance (step down)HippocampusWB of whole homogenates and synaptic plasma membranes (SPM)0, 30, and 120 min after trainingIncrease of GluN1 at 30 min in SPM though not in homogenates; returning to naive and control levels 120 min after training.
No changes in GluN2A neither in GluN2B.
Adult Wistar ratsInhibitory avoidance (step through)HippocampusWB of whole homogenates and membrane-enriched protein extracts1 h after trainingIncrease of GluN1 in membranes, though not in homogenates.
No changes in GluN2B.
Adult Long Evans ratsSingle-pellet reachingMotor cortexWB of whole homogenates1 week after trainingIncrease of GluN1 and GluN2A.[56]
Wistar rats (2 months)Open fieldHippocampusWB of whole homogenates0, 30, 70 min and 24 hs after training; 0 and 70 min after TESTIncrease of GluN1 and GluN2A, but not GluN2B, at 70 min after training.
No changes after TEST.
Sprague-Dawley rats (10–14 weeks)Radial arm mazeFrontal cortex and hippocampusBN PAGE WB of synaptic membranes6 h after trainingIncrease of GluN1 and GluN2A in both structures.[44]
Sprague-Dawley rats (6 days)Odor preferenceAnterior piriform cortexWB of synaptic membranes3 h after trainingDownregulation of GluN1 surface expression.[47, 48]
Adult Neohelice granulata crabsContext signal memoryCentral brain and thoracic ganglionWB of BS3-treated homogenates (cross-linking assay)0, 3, and 24 h after trainingDownregulation of GluN1 surface expression in central brain immediately after training; upregulation 3 h later; no difference from naive and controls at 24 h.
No changes in the thoracic ganglion.
Adult Sprague-Dawley ratsFear conditioningHippocampal CA1 regionWB of whole homogenates and synaptic membranes5–10 min after trainingIncrease of GluN1 and GluN2B, but not GluN2A, in membranes.
No changes in whole CA1 homogenates.
Wistar rats (1, 2, and 3 months old)Open fieldHippocampus, amygdala and CPFWB of whole homogenates0, 70, 90, 120, 180, and 240 min after trainingTransient increase, lasting 90 min or less, of GluN1 and GluN2A, but not of GluN2B 70 min after training, in the hippocampus at all ages.
No changes in amygdala neither in CPF at 70 min.
Wistar rats (3 months old)Object recognitionHippocampus and CPFWB of whole homogenates0 and 70 min after training and after TESTIncrease of GluN1 and GluN2A, but not GluN2B, 70 min after training in the hippocampus, without changes in CPF.
No changes in both structures after TEST.