Research Article

Dance Training Shapes Action Perception and Its Neural Implementation within the Young and Older Adult Brain

Table 3

Regions that can accurately discriminate better between physically trained and untrained movements after training compared to before training. (a) Young adults. (b) Older adults.

RegionBAMNI coordinates valueCluster size value

(a) Physically trained versus untrained in younger adults
L angular gyrus39−44−64246.0569<0.001
 L angular gyrus39−34−66264.00
 L middle occipital gyrus19−38−68183.94
R middle frontal gyrus10304244.68400.048
 R middle frontal gyrus102848−24.21
 R middle frontal gyrus2840123.35
(b) Physically trained versus untrained in older adults
R postcentral gyrus326−30506.12460.053
 R middle cingulate cortex16−28464.38
L precentral gyrus6−210665.68430.078
 L precentral gyrus6−82603.75

BA: Brodmann’s area; R: right, L: left. , uncorrected;  = 10 voxels. Regions in bold font are FWE cluster corrected at the level. Up to three local maxima are listed when a cluster has multiple peaks more than 8 mm apart.