Research Article

Dynamic Neuro-Cognitive Imagery Improves Mental Imagery Ability, Disease Severity, and Motor and Cognitive Functions in People with Parkinson’s Disease

Table 1

Multisensorial DNI for enhancing anterior and posterior pelvic tilt.

DNI exercises

Anatomical embodimentSelf-touch: touching the iliac crests and innominates and imagining/feeling them moving throughout pelvic tilting
KinestheticPushing the low back (in PPT) and abdomen (in APT) into a big pillow (Figure 1)
Visual-cognitiveWatching a pelvic model and visualizing the different parts (i.e., two innominates and sacrum) moving in the desired manner (Figure 2)
Auditory-cognitiveSaying out loud: “pelvis is tilting forward” (for APT) and “pelvis is tilting backward” (for PPT)
MetaphoricalThe pelvis is a bowl pouring water anteriorly (in APT) and posteriorly (in PPT) (Figure 3)
AuditoryListening to the sound of pouring water (using 2 cups filled with water)

Note: APT = anterior pelvic tilt; PPT = posterior pelvic tilt. All drawings are presented with permission from Mr. E. Franklin.