Research Article

Pharmacological Modulation of Three Modalities of CA1 Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation in the Ts65Dn Mouse Model of Down Syndrome

Figure 2

Ts65Dn hippocampal slices show reduced 4xHFS-induced LTP compared with slices from euploid control mice. (a) Comparisons of 4xHFS-induced L-LTP on euploid control-derived slices versus Ts65Dn-derived slices at 60 min and 180 min after induction. (b) Summary graph shows a reduction of E-LTP in Ts65Dn slices at 60 min and a reduction at 180 min after induction of L-LTP. and are represented by and , respectively. Number of slices (animals) for control () and Ts65Dn (). Error bars represent SEM. Arrows indicates LTP induction (4xHFS; with a 5 min intertrain intervals), representative traces show synaptic response during baseline (1) and at end of recording (2). Scale bars represent 1 mV (horizontal) and 10 ms (vertical).