Clinical Study

Functional Brain Connectivity during Multiple Motor Imagery Tasks in Spinal Cord Injury

Table 3

Summary presentation and description of the most important models and connectivity metrics or measures that were used in the methodological section of this study.

Metric or model nameAcronymDescription

Current cortical densityCCDForward problem solutionA model that aims to explain the correspondence of cortical source activity to scalp electrical potentials, taking account of skull and scalp conductivity.
Weighted minimum norm estimatewMNEInverse problem solutionAn estimation of how signals captured at the scalp correspond to source activations, with their power limited by the cortical physiology.
Directed transfer functionDTFGranger causality measureA metric of effective network connectivity (functional connectivity that incorporates causal relations instead of statistical inference alone) that produces directed networks with weighted edges.
Characteristic path lengthCPLNetwork integrationA representative measure of shortest distances between network nodes that are connected to each other.
Clustering coefficientCCNetwork segregationA measure of the tendency of network nodes to become organized into functionally separated clusters.
DensityDNetwork densityA measure of existing connections against the theoretical maximum number of possible connections if the network was fully connected.
Small-worldnessSWOverall network effectivenessA model of network behavior, where short paths and increased forming of functional clusters lead to optimization and resilience of information transfer.
Out-strength and in-strengthOS and ISā€‰The total nodal sum of weights from outgoing and incoming connections, respectively.