Clinical Study

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Paired with Occupation-Centered Bimanual Training in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Study

Table 2

Participant function and behavioral change scores.

IDCircuitryAHAAHA ∆Box and Blocks MABox and Blocks MA ∆Box and Blocks LABox and Blocks LA ∆COPM-PerfCOPM-Perf ∆ABILHANDABILHAND ∆


AHA: Assisting Hand Assessment; Contra: contralateral; COPM: Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; LA: less affected hand, MA: more affected hand; ∆: change. AHA is reported in 0–100 AHA units, Box and Blocks is reported as a mean, COPM is reported as a mean, and ABILHAND is reported in logits. Baseline testing for Box and Blocks, COPM, and ABILHAND reflects the average of 4 pretests. The change score is calculated with posttest-average baseline score. Achievement of smallest detectable difference (AHA), least measurable difference (ABILHAND), and clinically meaningful differences (COPM) are denoted in bold. Given the precision of the measurement, change in Box and Blocks that exceeds the standard error of the measure is denoted in bold (>3 blocks for MA hand and >6 blocks for LA hand).