Research Article

Posttraining Alpha Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Impairs Motor Consolidation in Elderly People

Figure 1

Experimental design. The experiment consisted of two sessions performed on separate days (). (a) The active EEG electrodes were placed over C3, C4, and Cz positions according to the International 10-20 system. The “donut” tACS electrode was centred around the C3 EEG electrode; the second tACS electrode was placed over the right supraorbital region. (b) Participants performed a different five-item motor sequence in each session with their right hand. (c) The motor sequence training session consisted of 14 practice blocks and the retest of 4 practice blocks, which were separated by 25-second rest blocks. (d) Sham or active tACS was applied over the left primary motor cortex in different sessions. EEG was recorded before training and after stimulation. Consolidation of training-induced speed increments was tested 6 hours later with the trained hand.