Research Article

Alterations of the Brain Microstructure and Corresponding Functional Connectivity in Early-Blind Adolescents

Table 4

Brain regions with significant changes of RSFC between groups.

Between-group comparisonROI seedsBrain regionsAbbreviationsCluster size (voxels) scorePeak MNI

NLPs vs. NSCOG.LLeft inferior frontal gyrus, triangular partIFGtri.L775.12-39336
Right inferior frontal gyrus, opercular partIFGoper.R1156.77572133
Left middle frontal gyrusMFG.L975.68-451818
ParaHIP.RLeft superior frontal gyrusSFG.L675.9667-2430
SOG.RLeft fusiform gyrusFG.L188-5.93-24-66-15
Right supramarginal gyrusSMG.R625.1660-3339
Left superior frontal gyrusSFG.L484.6324-936
LPs vs. NSCMOG.LRight middle occipital gyrusMOG.R47-5.1524-936

The results were corrected by the AlphaSim method at a voxel level of . Abbreviations: RSFC: resting-state functional connectivity; ROI: region of interest; OG.L: left occipital gyrus; ParaHIP.R: right parahippocampal gyrus; SOG.R: right superior occipital gyrus; MOG.L; left middle occipital gyrus; LP: early-blind adolescents with residual light perception; NLP; early-blind adolescents without light perception; NSC: normal-sighted controls; MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute.