Clinical Study

Investigating the Efficacy of an Individualized Alpha/Delta Neurofeedback Protocol in the Treatment of Chronic Tinnitus

Table 2

Pearson correlation between tinnitus and health questionnaires.


BDI sum score0.750.790.48
BAI sum score0.340.41-0.03
WHOQOL-BREF domain 1: physical health-0.65-0.42-0.37
WHOQOL-BREF domain 2: psychological health-0.63-0.55-0.52
WHOQOL-BREF domain 3: social relationship-0.30-0.24-0.19
WHOQOL-BREF domain 4: environment-0.16-0.11-0.13
WHOQOL-BREF global value-0.51-0.25-0.20
SF-36 physical health-0.43-0.220.02
SF-36 mental health-0.69-0.66-0.45

Note: Pearson correlation coefficient corrected for multiple comparisons with the method of Benjamini and Hochberg [59]. ; ; .