Research Article

Ganglionic Long-Term Potentiation in Prehypertensive and Hypertensive Stages of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Depends on GABA Modulation

Figure 3

Ganglia from SHR displayed stronger basal transmission at adult age (12 wo) than WKy rats of the same age, while in young (6 wo) rats, transmission was similar in both groups. (a) Input/output curve of ganglionic transmission recorded in the postganglionic nerve of SCG from 6 wo SHR (black triangles: ) and age-matched WKy rats (white triangles: ). Ganglionic transmission is similar in both groups. (b) Input/output curve of ganglionic transmission recorded in a similar way as in (a) from 12 wo SHR (black circles: ) and 12 wo WKy rats (white circles: ). Stimuli of similar amplitude evoked a greater response in ganglia from SHR than from WKy rats ( vs. ; SHR vs. WKy; ). Insets show sets of compound action potentials (CAPs) from SHR (a) and WKy rats (b) elicited at increasing voltage of stimulation. Note that output scales are different.