Research Article

Functional Role of SIL1 in Neurodevelopment and Learning

Figure 6

Spatial memory formation of young mice was impaired after SIL1 silencing. (a) Mice were subjected to bilateral intraventrical injection of lentivirus-encoding shRNA#2 at 3 weeks old followed or not followed by daily intraperitoneal injection of mimic phosphorylation peptide of Dab1 (pTyr-220). Barnes maze task was conducted 2 weeks later to assess the spatial learning of mice. The escape latency was measured from day 1 to day 4 of the acquisition period (con: day 1: , day 2: , day 3: , and day 4: , ; shRNA#2: day 1: , day 2: , day 3: , and day 4: , ; and shRNA#2+pTyr-220: day 1: , day 2: , day 3: , and day 4: , ). All data were shown as . # and ## for the shRNA#2 treatment compared to the control; for shRNA#2 compared to shRNA#2+pTyr-220. (b) The time that mice spent in the target quarter was measured in the probe trial (con: , shRNA#2: , and shRNA#2+pTyr-220: , ). ## for shRNA#2 compared to the control and for shRNA#2 compared to shRNA#2+pTyr-220. and . (c) The percentage of time that mice spent in the target quarter was measured in the probe trial (con: , shRNA#2: , and shRNA#2+pTyr-220: ). All data were shown as . ## for shRNA#2 compared to the control and for shRNA#2 compared to shRNA#2+pTyr-220. and .