Research Article

Loss of Cochlear Ribbon Synapse Is a Critical Contributor to Chronic Salicylate Sodium Treatment-Induced Tinnitus without Change Hearing Threshold

Figure 2

Cochlear outer and inner HC counts in the SS-treated and control rats. (a) Whole mounts of apical, middle, and basal turns were stained using myosin 7a (in green) to observe outer and inner HCs of the treated and control groups. Three rows of outer HCs and one row of inner HCs are evident; no obvious cell loss is apparent. . (b) Whole mounts of apical, middle, and basal turns were subjected to phalloidin staining (red) to trace HC hair bundles. No significant ciliary abnormality was apparent. . (c) Inner and outer HC counts of apical, middle, and basal turns of the SS-treated and control groups, respectively. Averages did not significantly differ between groups (all ).