Research Article

In Vivo Plasticity at Hippocampal Schaffer Collateral-CA1 Synapses: Replicability of the LTP Response and Pharmacology in the Long-Evans Rat

Figure 1

Schematic presentation of electrical stimulation protocols that induce LTP at the SC-CA1 synapses in anesthetized rats. A high-frequency stimulation protocol consists of 10 trains, 1 train consisting of 20 pulses at 200 Hz with (a) a 2 s interval between each train, (b) TBS (2 or 5 trains with 5 bursts per train of 4 pulses at 100 Hz, 200 μs), and (c) paired pulses (200 ms, 0.05 Hz) delivered at different lengths of interstimulus intervals of 50 ms and 30 ms before and after the standard 200 Hz HFS protocol.