Research Article

Enhanced Gray Matter Volume Compensates for Decreased Brain Activity in the Ocular Motor Area in Children with Anisometropic Amblyopia

Table 1

Demographic and clinical information of pediatric anisometropic amblyopia patients and healthy children.

PAAHC value

Age (years old)ab0.182c
Sex (M/F)10/68/60.699d
VOD (decimal representation)10.012c
VOS (decimal representation)1<0.001c
Amount of anisometropia (diopter)0<0.001c

HC: healthy children. aThe range and median of age in PAA group were [6, 12] and 7. bThe range and median of age in control group were also [6, 12] and 7. cThe value was calculated using the independent -test. dThe value was calculated using the chi-squared test.