Research Article

Hearing Phenotypes of Patients with Hearing Loss Homozygous for the GJB2 c.235delc Mutation

Table 4

Audiogram shapes in patients with asymmetric and symmetric interaural HL.

Audiogram shapeThe other ear
DescendingFlatResidualValley likeAscendingTotal deafnessOther

One earDescending41 (9)0 (21)0 (8)0 (6)0 (1)0 (2)0 (13)
Flat16 (5)0 (12)0 (8)0 (4)0 (3)0 (29)
Residual19 (0)0 (1)0 (0)0 (5)0 (12)
Valley like1 (0)0 (1)0 (1)0 (7)
Ascending0 (1)0 (0)0 (2)
Total deafness6 (0)0 (4)
Other5 (1)

(1) The value outside/inside each pair of parentheses represents the number of patients with symmetric/asymmetric interaural HL. (2) Italics indicate patients with the same audiogram shape for both ears.