Research Article

Heterogeneous Acupuncture Effects of Taixi (KI3) on Functional Connectivity in Healthy Youth and Elder: A Functional MRI Study Using Regional Homogeneity and Large-Scale Functional Connectivity Analysis

Table 2

Clusters of ReHo differences between postacupuncture state and resting-state fMRI.

GroupPeak MNI coordinateCluster voxelsPeak intensityLobeBAStructure (voxels)

Cluster 118-90-651-6.90Occipital\Lingual_R (37)
Cluster 2-54-63638-5.15Frontal6Postcentral_L (28)
Precentral_L (10)
Cluster 36-276338-5.93Frontal6PCL_R (18)
SMA_R (15)
Cluster 1-48-2430102-4.94Parietal\Postcentral_L (83)
\SupraMarginal_L (12)
Cluster 257-93364-5.54Frontal\Postcentral_R (61)
Cluster 3-394236-5.12Limbic32Cingulum_Mid_L (14)
Cingulum_Mid_R (13)
Cluster 415-396962-6.05Parietal3Postcentral_R (38)
PCL_R (15)
Cluster 515-246653-5.81Frontal\Precentral_R (10)
SMA_R (26)
SMA_L (9)

The location assignment has been done by using a MATLAB toolbox xjview ( A paired test was used to compare the ReHo results between postneedling and resting state in healthy youth and elder groups, respectively. The statistical maps were GRF corrected at a voxel level and cluster level (one-tailed). Edge connected cluster connectivity criterion, . Those structures with a size greater than or equal to 9 voxels were reported. PCL: paracentral lobule; SMA: supplementary motor area; SupraMarginal: supramarginal gyrus; Cingulum_Mid: cingulum middle.