Research Article

Developmental and Functional Hair Cell-Like Cells Induced by Atoh1 Overexpression in the Adult Mammalian Cochlea In Vitro

Figure 4

Sustained outward potassium currents of Atoh1-induced HCLCs in adult cochleae. (a) Representative samples of recorded sustained outward K+ currents (A) and micrographs of patched HCLCs (B) obtained from the 3, 5, and 7-9 DVI in the Atoh1+ group. HCLCs are shown in RFP fluorescence and appear fresher. The voltage protocol is shown beside the traces. The cell clamp was held at a holding potential of -80 mv, and the voltage steps ranged from -120 to 50 mV in 10 mV increments to evoke voltage-dependent currents. (b) Representative outward K+ currents (A) and micrographs (B) of RFP+ cells (nonsensory epithelial cells) from the OHC and IHC regions in the control group. (c) Sustained outward K+ currents with tail currents and voltage-dependent activation curves of HCLCs. (d) I-V curves summarizing the magnitude of outward K+ currents in HCLCs from 3, 5, and 7-9 DVI and the control group, respectively. .