Research Article

An Age-Related Hearing Protection Locus on Chromosome 16 of BXD Strain Mice

Figure 2

(a) The ABR thresholds of 54 BXD mouse strains at 2 years old display a gradient distribution at 16 kHz. Other frequencies have also been tested (data not shown). (b) ABR thresholds of good-hearing (BXD79, BXD74, BXD65, and BXD155) and poor-hearing (BXD198, BXD187, BXD101, and BXD125) mice are exemplified, respectively. Each data point represents an average threshold value (calculated as the arithmetic mean) for each age group () described in the adjacent data point legend. Error bars indicate the standard deviation from the SEM. The ABR thresholds were also statistically analyzed, showing significant differences between the four good-hearing and four poor-hearing strains ( by ANOVA test).