Review Article

Exercise-Induced Neuroplasticity in Parkinson’s Disease: A Metasynthesis of the Literature

Table 3

Narrative synthesis of neuroplastic outcomes from pre- to post-intervention.

ReferenceQualityMethod used to measure neuroplasticitySpecification of signaling type or brain area/sDirection of change from pre to post-interventionMA

Angelucci et al.13Blood sampling, BDNF serum concentration0Yes
Fontanesi et al.14Blood sampling, TrkB signaling in lymphocytespY-TrkB (145 kDa)+No
pY-TrkB (95 kDa)0No
Frazzitta et al.20Blood sampling, BDNF serum concentration+Yes
Zoladz et al.15Blood sampling, BDNF serum concentration+Yes

Activity change from pre to post-intervention
Batson et al.6fMRI, BOLD signalConnection between anterior and posterior aspects of Default Mode Network++No
Connection between basal ganglia and premotor cortex++No
Duchesne et al.14fMRI, BOLD signalTemporal lobes++No
Left ventral striatum++No
Left hippocampus++No
Cerebellum (lobules 8 and 9 bilaterally and right crus)++No
Maidan et al.15fMRI, BOLD signalMiddle temporal gyrus+No
Shah et al.14fMRI, BOLD signalConnection between active motor cortex and ipsilateral thalamus++No
Carvalho et al.16EEG, mean frequencyNo significance given to area++No
Fisher et al. [25]14TMS, CSP durationCSP-duration in both hemispheres++No
Fisher et al. (2013)16PET, metabolic activityDorsal putamen++No
del Olmo et al.13PET, metabolic activityRight cerebellum++No
Right parietal lobe++No
Right temporal lobe++No

Volume change from pre to post-intervention
Sehm et al.15MRIRight hemisphere of cerebellum++No

References in bold are of RCT design. Overall quality score assessed with the modified Down and Black checklist, ranging from 0 to 28 with higher scores indicating higher overall quality. Activity and volume indicate whether a change in respective measure increased (+) or decreased (−). Direction indicates change in neuroplastic marker from pre to post-intervention and states whether it was assessed as positive (+), negative (−), or unchanged (0). indicates whether the study was included in the meta-analysis (MA). as compared to healthy control group. Abbreviations: BDNF—Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor; TrkB—Tyrosine receptor kinase B; fMRI—Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging; BOLD—Blood Oxygenated Level Dependent; EEG—Electroencephalogram; TMS—Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation; CSP—Cortical Silent Period; PET—Positron Emission Tomography.