Research Article

Molecular Mechanism for PACAP 38-Induced Neurite Outgrowth in PC12 Cells

Figure 7

Examination of pathways involved in the CRMP2 phosphorylation and dephosphorylation by PACAP in the inhibitor experiments. (a) Antibody used: non-phosphor: anti-CRMP2 (ab129082); Thr-514: anti-CRMP2 phospho Thr-514 (ab85934); Ser-522: anti-CRMP2 phospho Ser-522 (CK6200); Thr-555: anti-CRMP2 phospho Thr-555 (CK6200). (b) Antibody used: anti-CRMP2 (ab129082); control: PACAP free; CHIR99021: GSK-3β inhibitor; LY294002: GSK-3β activator; H89: PKA inhibitor; U0126: MEK/ERK inhibitor; GF109203X: PKC inhibitor; purvalanol A: CDK5 inhibitor; Y27632: Rock inhibitor. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was performed as described in Cell Model and Methods.