Research Article

Abnormal Default-Mode Network Homogeneity in Melancholic and Nonmelancholic Major Depressive Disorder at Rest

Table 2

Significant DMN NH differences across groups.

Cluster locationPeak (MNI)Number of voxels value

Melancholic vs. healthy controls
Left inferior temporal gyrus-48-12-2732-3.3543
Right middle temporal gyrus453-2749-3.9893
Left middle temporal gyrus-63-39028-2.9141
Left PCC/precuneus-6-481530-2.8359
Right superior medial frontal gyrus15603222.6930
Left superior medial frontal gyrus-9579233.1756
Right anterior cingulate cortex124212222.4894
Right angular gyrus60-5739272.3859
Right PCC/precuneus18-5133483.6568
Nonmelancholic vs. healthy controls
Right middle temporal gyrus51-18-2154-3.1047
Left superior medial frontal gyrus-6603336-2.6479
Right superior medial frontal gyrus6573628-3.5704
Right PCC/precuneus18-5433413.7047
Right angular gyrus54-5733212.7685
Melancholic vs. nonmelancholic
Left inferior temporal gyrus-54-15-3083-3.6810
Left superior medial frontal gyrus-9576383.1369
Right superior medial frontal gyrus95742702.6833

DMN: default-mode network; NH: network homogeneity; MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; PCC: posterior cingulate cortex.