Research Article

Gamma Oscillations Facilitate Effective Learning in Excitatory-Inhibitory Balanced Neural Circuits

Table 1

Parameter used in neural circuit.


Numbers of E, I neurons2000, 400
Network connection probability0.2 [26]
Background input connection number400
Default firing rate of background input (per connection)2.5 Hz
Augment factor3.5
Axonal delay1 ms [26]
Leakage potential-70 mV [26]
Threshold potential-50 mV [26]
Rest potential-60 mV [26]
Membrane time constant for E, I neurons20 ms, 10 ms [26]
Refractory period for E, I neurons2 ms, 1 ms [26]
Reversal potential of E, I neurons0 mV, -70 mV [26]
Input conductance from background to E, I neurons0.05, 0.05
(normalized by leakage conductance)
Input conductance from E to E, I to E, E to I, I to I0.1, 0.6,
0.84 0.48
(normalized by leakage conductance)
Decay time constant of excitatory, inhibitory current3 ms, 8 ms
Rising time constant of excitatory, inhibitory current0.5 ms, 0.5 ms [26]
Facilitation time constant in STP1500 ms [41]
Depression time constant in STP200 ms [41]
Initial neural transmitter release probability in STP0.2 [41]
Learning rate for LTP0.001 [21]
Learning rate for LTD0.001 [21]
Transmitter plasticity strength [19]
Learning rate for heterosynaptic plasticity0.01 [19]
Heterosynaptic plasticity parameter0.1
Characteristic time constant for synaptic trace20 ms [21]
Characteristic time constant for slow synaptic trace100 ms [21]