Research Article

Impaired Limb Functional Outcome of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Is Marked by Incomplete Recovery of Paw Muscle Atrophy and Brain Functional Connectivity in a Rat Forearm Nerve Repair Model

Figure 2

The functional outcome of the skilled limb movement after peripheral nerve injury. (a) In the limb muscle reinnervation design, the foot fault rate of the nerve repair group was observed to be indifferent from the sham group at W8 and W10, but significantly lower than that of the injury group. (b) In the intrinsic muscle reinnervation design, we found no recovery of the skilled foot function in the repair group compared to the injury group, resulting in a significantly higher foot fault rate than the sham group. (c) Exemplary patterns of various degrees of foot fault (yellow arrow) in rat forelimb during skill walking. . ns: nonsignificant.