Research Article

Electroacupuncture Ameliorates Neuroinflammation-Mediated Cognitive Deficits through Inhibition of NLRP3 in Presenilin1/2 Conditional Double Knockout Mice

Figure 1

EA treatment ameliorates impaired memory in PS cDKO mice. (a) The experimental timeline of habituation, EA stimulation, and behavioral tests. (b) Effects of EA treatment on recognition memory in PS cDKO mice by NOR task. (c, d) The duration spent and frequency visited in the novel arm of the Y-maze. (e) The escape latency to the hidden platform in target quadrant during the first phase of 5 consecutive training days of the MWM test. (f) Mice of four groups exhibited no differences in swimming speed in the MWM test. (g) Platform crossing times in the second phase, probe trial on day 6 of the MWM test. (h, i) Percentage of distance swim and time spent in the target quadrant during the probe trial of the MWM test. (j) Escape latency to the visible platform without differences among the four groups in the MWM test. ( mice for each group). Data are the , , vs WT mice. #,## vs cDKO mice.