Research Article

Noise Exposure Alters Glutamatergic and GABAergic Synaptic Connectivity in the Hippocampus and Its Relevance to Tinnitus

Figure 7

Tinnitus animals exhibit similar recovery of VGLUT-2 labeling relative to no-tinnitus animals in the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus. (a) Representative images of VGLUT-2 labeling from granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus at 400x magnification. . (b) Mean (±SEM) change of VGLUT-2 density (normalized to respective control) in the DG in two-week and 12-week postnoise-exposure animals. Compared to 2-week postexposure animals (2w), 12-week postexposure animals (ENT and ET) significantly recovered towards baseline levels (only ENT significant). Animal exhibiting tinnitus (ET) showed similar pattern of recovery in VGLUT-2 expression to animals resistant to tinnitus in the granule cell layer of dentate gyrus. .