
Corrigendum to “Neuroprotective Effects of the Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Pathway in Ischemic Injury through Promotion of Synaptic and Neuronal Health”

Figure 4

PUR activation of Shh on OGD-induced neuroligin and neurexin: (a) protein levels of neuroligin and neurexin at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 h after OGD as determined by Western blot (/group); (b) protein levels of neuroligin and neurexin at 24 h after OGD as determined by Western blot (/group); (c) Pearson correlation coefficients obtained between neuroligin/neurexin expressions and apoptosis following PUR treatment. Values represent the ; and according to ANOVA with the Dunnett test in (a) and Tukey’s post hoc comparisons in (b).