Research Article

Dose-Dependent Pattern of Cochlear Synaptic Degeneration in C57BL/6J Mice Induced by Repeated Noise Exposure

Figure 5

Moderate-intensity (97 and 100 dB SPL) repeated noise-induced permanent effects on (a–c) ABR wave I amplitudes, (d) ribbon synapse counts, and (e) MOC efferent synaptic quantification. (f) Representative IF images of morphometric analysis for group 97 dB SPL at a frequency of 22.6 kHz; white arrows indicate significant morphometric changes (the scale bar indicates 10 μm). Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc tests were used to compare the difference between groups. The error bar represents the SEM for 8-12 mice in each group. NE14D: 14 days after NE; NS: no significance. ; .