Research Article

The White Matter Functional Abnormalities in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

Table 1

Demographic and clinical information of all participants.

VariablesTIA ()HCs () value

Age (year, )0.182t
Sex (male/female)37/1130/110.670χ
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg, )a<0.001t
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg, )a0.007t
Blood sugar level (mmol/L, )a0.001t
Total cholesterol (mmol/L, )a0.045t
Triglycerides (mmol/L, )a0.213t
HDL-C (mmol/L, )a0.306t
LDL-C (mmol/L, )a0.004t
ABCD2 scores (median)4 (2–6)
Smoking, no. (%)31 (64.58%)
Drinking, no. (%)20 (41.67%)
Hypertension, no. (%)22 (45.83%)
Diabetes, no. (%)8 (16.67%)
Coronary artery disease, no. (%)2 (4.17%)
Atrial fibrillation, no. (%)1 (2.08%)
Medication, no. (%)
Antiplatelets, no. (%)48 (100%)
Statins, no. (%)2 (4.17%)
DWI hyperintensity, no. (%)6 (12.50%)
Vessel stenosis, no. (%)9 (18.75%)
TIA/stroke attack in one year follow-up, no. (%)12 (27.27%)b

Note: t The P value was obtained by Student’s t-test; χ The P value was obtained by two-tailed Pearson chi-square t-test; a Data were missing for 6 controls; b Four patients dropped out in the one-year follow-up; ABCD2 is a simple score to identify individuals at high early-risk of stroke after a TIA. TIA: transient ischemic attack; HCs: healthy controls; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.