Research Article

Low-Frequency rTMS over Contralesional M1 Increases Ipsilesional Cortical Excitability and Motor Function with Decreased Interhemispheric Asymmetry in Subacute Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Study

Figure 3

Association of changes in MEP amplitude and interhemispheric asymmetry with functional outcomes (). In the experimental group, the change in MEP amplitude over the 2-week stimulation period was significantly correlated with change in FMA (, ) (a). Two participants who had the same combination of FMA and paretic hand MEP (a) values are indicated by the red dot. The change in MEP on the paretic side was correlated with that in FMA (, ) (b) and ARAT scores (0.773, ) (c) over the 12-week study period. The change of interhemispheric asymmetry was also correlated with that in FMA (, ) over the 12-week study period (d).