Research Article

Neonatal Tactile Stimulation Downregulates Dendritic Spines in Layer V Pyramidal Neurons of the WAG/Rij Rat Somatosensory Cortex

Table 1

Comparison of the groups with respect to the dendritic spine and the number of each spine type.

GroupsDendritic spine densityNumber of stubby spinesNumber of thin spinesNumber of mushroom spines

Wistar control0.13 (0.13-0.17)4 (3-5)3.5 (0-5)0 (0-0)
WAG/Rij control0.37 (0.33-0.40)10 (0-12)9 (0-11.25)4 (0-11)
MS0.07 (0.06-0.10)3 (2-3)0 (0-1.25)0 (0-0.25)
TS0.15 (0.13-0.17)4 (3.75-5)4 (2.25-5)0 (0-0)

Data were presented with median (interquartile range). Boldface values indicated the statistically significant differences. aMS vs. Wistar control; bMS vs. TS; cMS vs. WAG/Rij control; dWistar control vs. WAG/Rij control; eTS vs. WAG/Rij control.