Research Article

Assessment of Cognitive Function with Sleep Spindle Characteristics in Adults with Epilepsy

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics and sleep architecture variables of participants.


Age (years; mean (SD))27.18 (6.11)
Female ( (%))33 (57.9)
Education (years; mean (SD))10.88 (4.56)
Age of onset (years; mean (SD))17.65 (8.56)
Epilepsy duration (years; mean (SD))9.56 (7.34)
Seizure type
 Partial ( (%))4 (7.0)
 Secondarily generalized ( (%))31 (54.4)
 Generalized ( (%))22 (38.6)
Seizure frequency
 Less than once a year ( (%))29 (50.9)
 At least once a year ( (%))17 (29.8)
 At least once a month ( (%))9 (15.8)
 At least once a week ( (%))2 (3.5)
NHS3 score (mean (SD))12.30 (3.72)
Number of antiepileptic drugs (mean (SD))1.11 (0.82)
History of febrile seizures ( (%))14 (24.6)
Family history of epilepsy ( (%))3 (5.3)
Waist-to-hip ratio (mean (SD))0.81 (0.06)
Body mass index (kg/m2; mean (SD))21.81 (3.08)
SAS score (mean (SD))37.84 (9.31)
SDS score (mean (SD))40.68 (10.82)
PSQI score (mean (SD))3.91 (2.84)
Cognitive performance
 MMSE (mean (SD))26.11 (4.09)
 MoCA-TS (mean (SD))22.07 (5.80)
 MoCA-MIS (mean (SD))10.74 (3.83)
 MoCA-EIS (mean (SD))8.84 (3.16)
 MoCA-VIS (mean (SD))4.96 (1.87)
 MoCA-LIS (mean (SD))4.39 (1.58)
 MoCA-AIS (mean (SD))14.16 (3.76)
 MoCA-OIS (mean (SD))5.60 (0.86)
Sleep parameters
 Total sleep time (TST, min; mean (SD))447.95 (97.70)
 Sleep efficiency (%; mean (SD))69.45 (15.22)
 NREM sleep stage 1 (% of TST; mean (SD))7.35 (4.57)
 NREM sleep stage 2 (% of TST; mean (SD))60.10 (10.05)
 NREM sleep stage 3 (% of TST; mean (SD))13.18 (8.51)
 REM sleep (% of TST; mean (SD))19.36 (7.40)

NHS3: National Hospital Seizure Severity Scale; SAS: Self-rating Anxiety Scale; SDS: Self-rating Depression Scale; PSQI: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination total score; MoCA-TS: Montreal Cognitive Assessment total score; MoCA-MIS: Memory Index Score; MoCA-EIS: Executive Index Score; MoCA-VIS: Visuospatial Index Score; MoCA-LIS: Language Index Score; MoCA-AIS: Attention Index Score; MoCA-OIS: Orientation Index Score; NREM: nonrapid eye movement; REM: rapid eye movement; SD: standard deviation.