Research Article

Administration of Recombinant Heat Shock Protein 70 Delays Peripheral Muscle Denervation in the SOD1G93A Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Figure 1

rhHsp70 injections maintain NMJ innervation. (a) Denervation of TA NMJs in SOD1 is evident by P30 and is further increased by P75. Treatment with rhHsp70 appeared to attenuate this denervation. Data are represented as percent of WT SEM at each time point. Statistical significance was determined by running an ANOVA, followed by the Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons posthoc test (* ; ** and *** ). (b) The MG in SOD1 mice displayed significant denervation at P30 and there is further denervation at P75 as compared to WT mice. rhHsp70 treatment maintained innervation of MG NMJs between P30 and P75. Statistical analysis was performed as described in (a) P30 WT TA ; P30 SOD1 TA ; all other groups . (c) Photomicrograph to illustrate criteria for innervated and denervated NMJs at P75. Colocalization of αBTX-labelled nAChR clusters (red) with VAChT and neurofilament-L nerve terminals (green) indicate innervated NMJs. The arrow denotes a denervated NMJ because of the lack of VAChT labeling.