Review Article

Multimodal MRI Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Cognitive Normal Adults, Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer's Disease

Figure 2

The first 2 rows display maps from subjects with a maternal family history of Alzheimer’s disease (FHm) as compared with subjects with no family history (FH-) (a) and subjects with a paternal family history (FHp) (b). Row (c) shows gray matter volume (GMV) reductions in APOE ε4-negative FHm subjects compared with APOE ε4-negative FH subjects. Statistical parametric maps showing GMV reductions in normal FHp subjects as compared with FH subjects are in row (d). Areas of GMV decrease are represented on purple-to-yellow, blue-to-light blue, dark orange-to-yellow, and green-to-light green color-coded scales for the 4 contrasts, reflecting scores between 2 and 5 for the upper contrast and between 2 and 4 for the lower 3 contrasts. Areas of gray matter volume decrease are displayed on a standardized spatially normalized MRI (adapted with permission from [27]).